Monthly Archives: December 2017

What is cool about quantum teleportation?

Everybody™ thinks that quantum teleportation is lame. Even science-loving xkcd thinks quantum teleportation is lame, and has a comic mocking it: This breaks my heart. I want to actually defend quantum teleportation, and show that Randall Munroe is wrong. Quantum … Continue reading

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Wallace’s version of the Deutsch-Wallace theorem, part 2

To conclude the proof of Wallace’s version of the Deutsch-Wallace theorem, we shall add the Equivalence theorem from the previous post to a pretty weak decision theory, and show that if you are rational and live in a universe described … Continue reading

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Wallace’s version of the Deutsch-Wallace theorem, part 1

One might still be worried about Deutsch’s Additivity. What if it is actually necessary prove the Born rule? In this case one wouldn’t be able to use the Born rule in the Many-Worlds interpretation without committing oneself to stupid decisions, … Continue reading

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